Apple: A Household Name

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Chances are you have one of their products in your pocket, your house or in your car. You can’t go anywhere nowadays without seeing an Apple billboard, store or someone using their products.

Woman using Apple Products
Apple has become a household name and not because one a day keeps the doctor away.
From building computers out of a garage to having the power of a computer within your hand, Apple has dominated the tech industry. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak had their eyes set on revolutionizing the computer industry. Wozniak was the brains behind building the computers, while Jobs had the ability to refine the design and sell the products. This duo had no idea how their talents would change the computer industry.
Their focus was to create a machine that not only operated well but looked good too. Jobs and Wozniak were known for taking their designs to the next level, this not only included the look of the hardware but the software as well.
Fast forward to 2007, when Apple would revolutionize a group of products by introducing the first iPhone. Steve Jobs had an idea of taking an mp3 player, a computer and a PDA and making them one device. Eleven years later, the iPhone has become one of the most popular selling device year after year.
Apple’s creativity, uniqueness and their willingness to break the mold has made them the most valued company in the world at $1 trillion. Apple is an excellent example of how an American business can start from a garage, go through financial difficulties, manager changes and still come out on top. Apple’s perseverance has made them become a household name, not only in America but around the world.