The Arts: O. Winston Link

Perhaps the most famous of all Link's photos. Uploaded by
Probably not a name you’re familiar with. But if you’ve seen his photography, you know what magic the man could work with a camera. His passion was trains, but he realized his biggest problem in capturing them on film would be lighting them properly. So he created his own flash equipment, because he preferred to shoot at night.
If you’re ever in Roanoke, Va., be sure to stop by the O. Winston Link museum which is located, appropriately, in Roanoke’s former rail station. You can enjoy a documentary about Link’s life and work, and linger over extraordinary photographs such as these:

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The “Outdoor Theater” photo was taken in Iaeger, West Virginia where I pastored my first church. In the station wagon in the center of the picture is Sammy Butler who still lives in Iaeger and owns the local gas/service station. There is no sign of the theater now but this picture hangs in the service station.
Iconic definitive photographer commemorating and immortalizing the age of steam.
Thank you Winston may you rest in peace